On Halloween, it would be easy to choose Home By The Sea as a Genesis Song for such an occasion. After all, it is a song about Ghosts. However, Genesis has another song that that can be haunting on many levels. Stories that scare a person's soul can be fictional, such as Snowbound on And Then There Were Three. Yet, we know that songs that fashion themselves after Grimm's fairy tales are just that, fairy tales. What haunts a person's soul more is something that can happen that is very plausible. Usually, unexplained events can cause long term traumatic experiences that haunts a person's soul. These type of stories are very real.
Back in 1992, Genesis came out with Dreaming While You Sleep. A very underrated song from the We Can't Dance Album. In this song, someone we will never know, is driving at night while they are exhausted. As can happen, in a moment of inattention, he hits a young lady who entered the street unbeknownst to the driver until after he hits his victim. The driver seriously injures the person and puts them into a coma. Instead of staying, he leaves the scene of the crime. The man then visits the woman, and as we listen, the story takes us in and out of conscious of what the man is thinking while he is wondering what it must be for her to be in and out of conscious.
The song hauntingly reminds us these people really exist. They escape the reality of justice for their actions. The successfully run away only to live a tortured life of their conscious reminding them of their actions. A truly powerful song.